

If you have a Mentor who has their own training system: CLICK HERE +

Contact your Mentor first and ask if they have their own team-specific training system, as it will differ from GoGreenGetPaid.com/Training (Essanté Organics' company-wide training system).


Essanté Organics does not endorse anyone's training system. We only endorse the corporate training system www.GoGreenGetPaid.com/Training.

Directions: What your calendar and schedule should look like: CLICK HERE +


Complete Level 1, Training #1 in your first 48 hours. Call your Mentor after completing the How To Get Started training and let them know when you will have your list of guests (prospects) prepared to review.

Complete Level 1, 2, and 3 in order and invite people properly and professionally. Listen to the How To Invite training before calling your first person. Then immediately begin inviting others to experience Essanté Organics right away. Also consider asking your Mentor to assist you in inviting your first 5 people, so you can hear how they professionally invite. 

Begin generating unlimited leads that call you.  Listen to training #13, secure your 1-800# as the training teaches you to do. Then choose your favorite prewritten ad. Post the ad as a Facebook Job Post or as a classified ad in your city. This way, unlimited leads will call you. Pre-qualified leads who are looking for more income and a career change. 

Your calendar and schedule should be balanced with both "Training" and "Action" appointments. 

  • Spend 6-7 hours/week TAKING ACTION & 1-3 hours/week TRAINING on this site.
  • PLACE APPOINTMENT TIMES for both of the above in your calendar.
  • TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY BY SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTS. Start physically inviting your guests to experience Essanté Organics (see 1 and 2 below).
  • (1) BEGIN ENROLLING CUSTOMERS THIS WEEK  by scheduling an appointment time for each person you know to attend a live presentation or to watch www.LivingLifeChemicalFree.com then call them immediately after they finish watching and ask them to choose what is best for them.  Ask them to order products from your JOIN & SAVE button or your SHOP button on your website.
  • (2) BEGIN ENROLLING BRAND PARTNERS THIS WEEK by scheduling an appointment for each person you know to attend a live presentation or to watch Essanté Organics' 12-minute company tour  www.GoGreenGetPaid.com then call them immediately after they finish watching and ask them to choose what is best for them. Ask them to begin their home business by going to your JOIN & SAVE button on your website. As you set these appointments you will be will on your way to building your team and legacy.
  • S.T.E.P. (Share The Essanté Plan/Products) EVERY WEEK. To earn a 6-7 figure residual income potential S.T.E.P with at least 4 new prospects each week. To earn a part time residual income potential S.T.E.P with at least 2 new prospects each week. Immediately send each new person you enroll to this training website so you may enjoy duplication. Leaders don't give the answer, they point and direct to the answers.
  • MEMORIZE THESE TRAININGS: How To Present, How To Handle Objections, How To Close, and How to Get Paid.

1. How To Get Started & What Business Tools To Order: Complete 1st, interactive, answers 99% of all questions, vital to success

2. How To Join Newsletter, Social Media (Videos / Ads), Support Group, Live Monday Call:  Staying connected is critical to your success

3. How To Enroll Customers & Brand Partners: Share this video to show someone how to complete your website's blue JOIN & SAVE button

4. How To Invite (Hot & Warm Market System): 4C & F.O.R.M. Invites - professionally invite those you know & meet, REAL PEOPLE examples

5. How To Go4Gold: Exact road map on how to build, achieve Gold & earn a 50% Matching Bonus in your 1st 30 days

6. How To Get Paid: Essanté Earnings Compensation Plan. 6 paycheck bonuses. 100 points/mo. to qualify for all 6 bonuses & the ad system

7. How People Make 6-7 Figures Here: Mark Yarnell, $30mil earner & 1st Year In Network Marketing Author’s opinion on Essanté Organics  

8. How To Present & What To Share: S.T.E.P. (Share The Essante Plan/Products) share the GoGreenGetPaid.com video, webinar, call, etc.

9. How To Close: The 8 Question Close

10. How To Depth Charge & Maximize Your Holding Tank: Turn 1 enrollment into 2, 3, 4, or more

11. How To Handle Objections: There are only 6 network marketing objections, memorize each (time, $, sales, MLM, spouse)

12. How To Share Your Website's Products: Use the share buttons inside each RETAIL product (includes the label, the audio, the video, etc.)

13. How To Get Your 1-800# & FREE Classified Ad Book (Cold Market System): Pre-written ads & unlimited pre-qualified leads that call you

14. How To Use Your Back Office: Share products, view money & volume, place & manage team, use your holding tank, track orders

15. How To Make Facebook A Cash Cow: How to navigate & tap into unlimited prospects in your target-market

16. How To Run A Profitable Expo / Fair / Booth: Outline for a stunning, smooth-running, profitable, fun booth

17. How To Train Your Team: Don’t enable or give them the answer, direct them to find the answer (teach them to fish)

18. How To Post Welcome & Rank Templates: When your team member joins & achieves Silver, Gold, Platinum

19. TOP 17 FAQs: Short 1-2 minute video answers

20. Video Marketing: How to get Free Organic Traffic to your YouTube Videos

Well done Wellness Warrior! You’ve completed Essanté Organics Training System (Levels 1, 2 & 3). Continue to hone your craft by joining our Live Monday Mentorship Calls & Tuesday Webinars. Thank you for your commitment to being a great Mentor and Enroller, a Wellness Warrior who improves the lives of others by listening to and supplying their needs. Thank you for leading by example and being highly supportive and directive, by sending every new Wellness Warrior here, to Essanté Organics proven, award-winning training site: www.GoGreenGetPaid.com/Training. This FREE training website is our S.Y.S.T.E.M. which stands for Save Your Self Time Energy & Money. Those who use a free and proven S.Y.S.T.E.M. experience more duplication and less stress.

Angie Levine Chief Marketing Officer 

M-F 9a-5p (602) 595-7560 PST or MST (depending on daylight savings)
